First of all, you must specify a pin for a sensor. It is the SDA pin. Then it would help if you defined the SCL pin. For example, output 4 – BME280, and output 5 – I2C SCL.

If you connect several sensors on one bus (pin), you may define the SCL pin only once.

Zigbee: Accepts the “read” and “write” commands on the endpoint for the SDA pin.
Data from the BME280 sensor is no longer available in HA after the update to zigbee2mqtt 2.0
Are you using a custom converter for Z2M for this device?
No, is the short answer
Hi. @Owner Do you plan to support the INA226 I2C sensor which is able to measure a large range of current with the same device with more precision (16bits) than the ACS7xx ? It can be powered at 3.3V
The firmware supports INA226 already
Sorry. my bad, I was not using the right firmware config app.
Hello. I have connected BME280 to CC2530, but Zigbee2MQTT does not receive temperature data.
Config: output1 -> P15-> SDA (address), output2 -> P17 -> SCL. I tried address 119 too.
In log see this error:
2024-02-21 10:24:16Exception while calling fromZigbee converter: Definition ‘wethear station’ has not endpoint defined}
2024-02-21 10:24:16Publish ‘get’ ‘temperature’ to ‘0x00124b0009693a1c’ failed: ‘Error: Read 0x00124b0009693a1c/1 msTemperatureMeasurement([“measuredValue”], {“timeout”:10000,”disableResponse”:false,”disableRecovery”:false,”disableDefaultResponse”:true,”direction”:0,”srcEndpoint”:null,”reservedBits”:0,”manufacturerCode”:null,”transactionSequenceNumber”:null,”writeUndiv”:false}) failed (Status ‘WRITE_ONLY’)’
What can i do? I couldn’t find a solution for this error message anywhere
Please note, the firmware sends a periodic report with a temperature. You cannot request it from Z2M using the “get” method.
CC2530 + BH1750 + DS180B20
Temperature measurement is working but illuminance is not
Report interval: 60
Output 4 | P03 | BH1750 | Pull Up | Addr: 35 | Resolution 1 lux |
Output 5 | P04 | I2C SLC/SPI | Pull Up |
Output 6 | P06 | DS180B20| Pull Up | Single, Auto-detect |
BH1750 is not reporting any measurements.
2024-02-17 14:54:43Received Zigbee message from ‘Test Light & Temperature’, type ‘attributeReport’, cluster ‘msTemperatureMeasurement’, data ‘{“measuredValue”:2281}’ from endpoint 6 with groupID 0
2024-02-17 14:55:43Received Zigbee message from ‘Test Light & Temperature’, type ‘attributeReport’, cluster ‘msTemperatureMeasurement’, data ‘{“measuredValue”:2287}’ from endpoint 6 with groupID 0
Any pointers on how to fix/debug would be appreciated.
Your settings look good. Did you check this sensor with Arduino?
Is BME280 still supported? I don’t see the option for it in the firmware.
It was moved to a separate group: Temperature sensors I2C.
Is there a way to use the AS5048b magnetic Angle sensor?
No, this sensor is not supported
Are there any TOF / laser ranging, distance sensors or similar that this firmware supports? I have a module running a PIR sensor to monitor something but I need something that detects smaller movement on a closer distance. Like a hand waving near the sensor but not a person walking past the sensor?
Sorry, but the firmware does not have support for any compact distance sensors.
My goal is to increase number of digital inputs.
Does this software support any known expander?
As I read in this thread the MCP23017 expander is not supported, but is there possibility to connect any other expander or even several expanders?
If not, is there a possibility to add such support for such hardware?
Thank you!
The firmware supports up to 16 endpoints. So, adding one or more expanders for GPIO outputs is useless.
Would it be possible to add support for VL53L0X distance sensor?
Sorry, I didn’t plan to add this sensor (requires a lot of work).
Hey there,
does the firmware support i2c for BME680 also?
No, the firmware does not support BME680.
Any future plans to support the BME680?
Sorry, I didn’t plan to add this sensor (requires significant effort), but you can use other good alternatives.
how do I request an I2C sensor reading? I tried
and got
z2m message zigbee2mqtt/bridge/logging {“level”:”error”,”message”:”No converter available for ‘temperature’ ()”}
The firmware supports the read command for GPIO outputs and ADC inputs only.
Hi, I connected a BH1750 module. Anyway I don’t get any readings.
I connected a logic analyzer and found that the firmware does not query the device.
Is BH1750 a pro feature?
One more thing I noticed, if a BMP280 is configured, the firmware queries device 0x7b in the first place. This is actually a PCA9685. It writes a byte to that device and then continues with 0x76, the actual BME280.
I cannot answer to your question precisely because I do not see your settings.
Here’s the settings:
Board type: CC2652R1
Device type: Router
Update firmware’s timestamp : 2021-12-18
Status LED: P11, Periodic (every 5 seconds)
Set default reporting interval (s): 60
Output pins:
P06: Output 1, PWM (Hardware, 128 kHz), External pull-up (Frequency: 1 kHz, Transition time (ms): 0, Linked input: Changes level)
P07: Output 2, PWM (Hardware, 128 kHz), External pull-up (Frequency: 1 kHz, Transition time (ms): 0, Linked input: Changes level)
P08: Output 3, GPIO, External pull-up
P09: Output 4, GPIO, External pull-up
P05: Output 5, BMP280 (I2C SDA), External pull-up (Address (dec): 119)
P04: Output 6, I2C SCL, External pull-up
P05: Output 7, BH1750, External pull-up (Address (dec): 35, Resolution: 1 lux)
P02: Output 8, UART (Baud rate: 9600, Packet end: 0x0D, Byte: 239)
Input pins:
P15: Input 1, GPIO, Pull-up, Long, Double, Tripple
P12: Input 2, GPIO, Pull-up
P30: Input 3, ADC (max 3.3V)
P49: Input 4, Source voltage
P13: Input 5, GPIO, Pull-up
P14: Input 6, GPIO, Pull-up
December Release (2021-12-30) makes it work!
This config results in both weather and illuminance reports:
P05: Output 6, BMP280 (I2C SDA), External pull-up (Address (dec): 118)
P04: Output 7, I2C SCL, External pull-up
P05: Output 8, BH1750, External pull-up (Address (dec): 35, Resolution: 1 lux)
Hello, does the firmware support i2c for Pn532 RFID/NFC ?
Thank you
No, the firmware does not support this sensor.
Hello, does the firmware support i2c expander like VL53L0X ? Thank you.
No, the firmware does not support this sensor.
Hello, does the firmware support i2c expander like MCP23017? Thank you.
Hello. The firmware does not support this expander.
I connected BME280, P05-> SCL, P06-> SDA address 76 (verified through arduino), But Zigbee2MQTT does not receive temperature data, etc., I only get “payload ‘{” l3 “: 3.2,” linkquality ” : 84, “voltage_l3”: 3.2} ‘”What should I do, am I doing something wrong?
Did you define the SDA pin first? For example, SDA – output1, SCL – output2.
I observed the same behaviour with BME280 on a CC2530
Output p04: SDA, p05: SCL, router mode
Payload: {“l1″:3.45,”l2″:56,”linkquality”:113,”temperature_l2″:56,”voltage_l1″:3.5}
Further testing CC2530 BME280:
When I use P06: SDA, P07: SCL or P10: SDA, P11 SCL and try to pair in Z2M:
the device is announced, the led is flashing each 4 seconds but no data or even linkquality is visible in MQTT? Any suggestions?
I am using
The status light is flashing short, fast blinks every second
I think the problem is not related to the sensor. Just wait more time or try to reset the device.
When I configure the CC2530 as in your example with a BMP280, the device does not want to pair (not in router or in end device mode). When I choose another configuration MHZ90, DS18B20 all works fine. I a using your recent software. Can you pls check while you enjoy a cup of coffee?
Thank you! I like coffee :).
Did you test with BMP280 or BME280? Does the status light show somethings? I cannot repeat this problem with BME280.