The CC2531 dongle is mostly compatible with CC2530. Therefore, you may use the corresponding firmware, but the USB interface will not work. You can only use it as a power source.

This dongle is a good start point for small DIY projects because it already contains two LEDs and two buttons. The IO connector allows you to connect one or two external sensors.

CC2531 dongle
CC2531 dongle pinout

The basic configuration for this dongle is shown below. In this example, the S2 button controls the Red LED indicator (on/off). The S1 button controls P02 on the IO connector. The Green LED works as a status LED.

Of course, you may adjust other settings:

  • Disable the status LED or change its mode.
  • Change the default reporting interval on the “Expert” tab.
  • Add an external sensor.
Router firmware for CC2531

Harvey Specter
Posted at 22:31 January 8, 2025

Ich Ich habe ein Problem mit dem US-100 Sensor am CC2531. Ist es richtig, dass ich nur den P02 als ‘Ultrasonic distance sensor (UART)’ angebe und p03 dann automatisch mit belegt wird? Oder muss ich P03 auch definieren?

Gruß, Sven.

    Harvey Specter
    Posted at 04:23 January 9, 2025

    Wenn Ihr Sensor im UART-Modus arbeitet, können Sie nur P02 angeben. Für andere Sensoren oder GPIO sollten Sie P03 natürlich nicht verwenden.

Harvey Specter
Posted at 01:07 September 5, 2024

Hi, my dongle (CC2531) appears to connect successfully only directly to the coordinator.
Since I need to put it very far from the coordinator, i tried to reset it and put near 3 routers (2 BASICZBR3 and one IKEA TRADFRI control outlet). However the device keep flashing and seems to be unable to join.
I tried using a new BASICZBR3 (which has CC2530) putting it in the same position, and it joins the network quite instantly (through one of the routers).
Is there some setting I need to enable? Am I doing something wrong?

    Harvey Specter
    Posted at 03:30 September 5, 2024

    Sorry, but I do not have ideas. I can only offer to join it to a coordinator directly and move it to the necessary position. It should work without reset.

      Harvey Specter
      Posted at 08:10 September 5, 2024

      Thanks for the reply, I tried this (but for a limited time ~2minutes) and it was not connecting. I can try leaving it powered on for some hours and see what happens.
      My question was just to be sure that it was not a known issue.

      Also, since BASICZBR3 connects immediately, I could try to flash it with your fw and see what happens.


Harvey Specter
Posted at 09:49 June 19, 2021

The CC2531 dongle connects after flashing, but I always seem to have to push one of the buttons for it to boot after powering it. Is that intended? What do I have to change so that it starts automatically when powered on?

    Harvey Specter
    Posted at 09:20 June 20, 2021

    Hello. It is strange behavior. The device should start automatically.

    Harvey Specter
    Posted at 11:34 August 8, 2021

    On serveral cc2531 dongles I experienced similar things, not booting, even though there was power (also with tuneable external power supply, lowest voltage working via usb was 3v but led quite dim then). On the current stick it only worked 1 out of 10 tries. Sometimes dabing the probe with the power helped, but did not look like a soldering hardware issue, played with the power on an independet place. The same hex worked on another stick 2 out of 3. In the firmware configurator I had only selected CC2530 (since I only use usb for power anyway), but now I have switched to “CC2530 (without external oscillator, like ??2531 or Sonoff Basic ZBR3)” and everytime I’ve given it power it has started up (checking with the light) so far.

    Great piece of code by the way, I use it to connect several DS18B20s per stick to IOBroker.

Harvey Specter
Posted at 21:09 March 23, 2021

Can I use vcc (3v or 5v) and gnd for external sensors with CC2531? Can I use vdd and gnd from debug connector when powering from USB?

    Harvey Specter
    Posted at 03:46 March 24, 2021

    1. You should check a datasheet for your sensors. Some sensors may have a 5V power source, but data lines will have 3.3V.
    2. Again, it depends on your debug connect. The standard CC debugger outputs 3.3V.

      Harvey Specter
      Posted at 07:53 March 24, 2021

      Thanks, but there is no pinout for vcc or gnd in CC2531?

        Harvey Specter
        Posted at 08:36 March 24, 2021

        From debugger or external power source: VDD pin, 3.3V
        From the USB connector: 5V.

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