The premium version has the same features as the free version, plus:
- It allows you to define 16 GPIO inputs or outputs (for example, you may define 8 GPIO outputs and 8 external sensors, or 16 GPIO outputs for relays).
- It allows you to create battery-powered DIY devices with effective power management.
- PCF8583 counter, PCA9685 multichannel PWM.
- 5 hardware built-in PWM, in contrast to 4 PWM in the free version.
- Hardware PWM with low frequencies.
- LED features: WS2812B strips or multichannel color LED lamps.
- DS3221 Real-time clock.
- CRON scheduler.
- Keypad (matrix keyboard).
- Flower / Soil moisture sensor.
I plan to add new features and sensor types to the premium version.
Do you have a DIY blog or DIY project that you want to share to the public? We can discuss a custom premium version for your project. Email me: ptvo {at}
- The premium firmware is linked to a device. If you’ve purchased it for one device and requested firmware one time, you cannot move it later to another device. You can install all further updates on the same device.
- I cannot guarantee that the firmware will work in all configurations and schematics, but I’ll make all efforts to fix bugs and resolve issues. If you are not sure the firmware can work for you, please, test the free version first.
- To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the firmware, and documentation are provided “AS IS.” I disclaim all other warranties and conditions, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, conformance with description, title, and non-infringement of third-party rights.

The big limitation of this firmware is inherent in the fact that it is closed source. However, I also understand the needs of the developer but it remains a great pity, as it places many limits on the development of the firmware itself, personal devices and the adoption of this firmware except for special needs. It remains a great job
Does your firmware support IR receive and send ?
And can i use devices with ZHA in Homeassistant?
No. It does not support IR at all.
I have to build an battery powered E18-MS1PA2-PCB with a PTVO firmware as END Device without router.
What I need:
Must be battery-powered with effective power management
I need an LED for status
I want to read the input on pin analog pe pin P5 of the zigbee module
It will only read an analog pressure sensor DFRobot SEN0257 (Signal-VCC-GND)
The sensor works with 5V but the E18-MS1PA2-PCB only 3V so I must use a voltage divider with two resistors.
The data pin from sensor will go through a 1.7 kohm resistor to P5 pin and another resistor 3.3 kohm from P5 to ground
The values from pressure sensor 0 to 5V translate as a reading of 0 to 1.6 Mpa
How can I make so that the resulted reading from your firmware on E18-MS1PA2-PCB to corelate after I use the divider ?
Thank you.
This sensor can also work with 3.3V voltage, but for precise measuring, this voltage should be constant. So, I am not convinced that a battery-powered device will be useful here.
I plan on using the premium PWM function to generate 4 (or 5) PWM outputs all at 240Hz. I’m hoping I can modify each PWM dutycycle independently with a ZHA interface.
My question has to do with the premium license (I have an unused one). Can I install that license on a CC2530 board and use it as a test unit to develop my code? This would mean I might change the above to the LED options instead of controllable PWM.
I would then install an new license on a new board and install the above developed code. Is this possible with the current licensing system?
No problems, you can try any configurations on the same device without any limitations.
I’m using a few free versions and am working on setting up my first Premium version. I have to say your offering your very flexible free version is extremely kind of you and I for one very much appreciate it. As for the Premium, you license fee is so small it shouldn’t even be a subject of discussion. In addition, your spending time to answer users questions is simply wonderful. Those who complain do not have their priorities straight.
I do have a question regarding the premium version. I don’t have the target board up and running so I’ve only tried the “FirmwareConfig.exe” without saving anything (so no license has been entered).
My question is: I want to run on battery power. I could not find any entries that might define the off time. I’m thinking the off time could be defined and the board would sleep for that time, wake up, power up the sensor (SI7021) delay a bit while the sensor stabilizes. Take or receive a reading, send a Zigbee message and go back to sleep.
Am I off track here?
John, thank you for your feedback! Yes, it is the standard behavior of the PSM firmware type. The device wake-ups only when it sends a periodic report. This interval you can define on the “Expert” tab.
Hello, thank you for your answer but I don’t understand the subtlety of the answer. If the activation key is linked to the zigbee device and it breaks down, what prevents me from reflashing it with the application on a new disk or the old one?
I’ve meant a broken Zigbee device in my answer.
Hello, a comment and a question regarding the premium version. The price is not what is indicated because there are taxes to add (20%). The premium version seems attached to the machine, what happens if we have a disk crash?
1. Thank you for your note, I clearly state that the price on this page does not include local taxes because they are different in every country.
2. The premium version is linked to a Zigbee device (not a computer). So, a disk crash is not a problem. Just save the activation code in a safe place. But if your _Zigbee_ device will break, you’ll need a new license key.
Hello, Why do i have to pay per device for the premium version? As far as i can see you are not doing anything extra for it. It’s still up to me to configure it. Because now if the module dies I’m out a licence.
I’d rather just give you 30 bucks and have unlimited devices with no support. Is this to try and stop people from selling preconfigured modules without having to write the code by hand? Also the premium version requires the internet for every time it wants to save the file? That’s even more stupid.
Rob, thank you for your feedback! I’ve added some premium features described on this page. If you’ve found a bug and expect my assistance, you can always submit a report on Github where we can discuss it.
Hi. Is this project alive? Could i buy premium version?
Yes, the project is alive.
Hi. It says “5 hardware built-in PWM apart from of 4 PWM in the free version”, but I think it should say “instead of” and not “apart from”. With the “apart from” wording it seems as in the premium version we could have a total of 9 PWM at once.
Thank you! Changed.
Resistance is Useless
Hi, very useful little program you’ve produced – many thanks; I bought the premium version as I was impressed. I’m trying to setup a Home Assistant weather station based on this;
FYI, I use Linux and ptvo runs in the Wine windows emulator – there are a couple of minor errors but click through and it works ok.
Unfortunately, the TI SmartRf programmer loads, but Wine cannot easily access hardware ports in Linux so it can’t be used.
Luckily there is a Linux cmd line programmer called cc-tool which works perfectly with my SmartRf04EB
Hope this may be useful for someone else.
Thank you for your feedback!
Hi, thank you for this great software!
Today, I’ve tried to use it with some basics – I’ve created config with:
– one input P00, GPIO, Pull-down, link to out 1, switch, bind command “on/off
– output 1, P30, GPIO, Role Contact
It works great.
Now I wonder, I need to add 15 contact sensors on one device, how can I do it? If I understood correctly, to get a state of a contact I have to create one input, link it to output and select Role Contact for that output, but I face issues with that PTVO has only 29 total pins (with virtual 30-37 pins) so, even, if I create 15 inputs, I have only 14 pins left.., and btw, only first 8 output pins have “role” dropdown.. so what about other 8?
Along with that, even I’ve read all the comments here, and understood, that for me to have 10 similar devices with same firmware I have to pay for 10 licences, I don’t quite understood how is it working. I thought that I need to buy licence only if I need to use premium features.
So questions:
1. What configuration do I need to have in z2m 16 contact sensors? Do I need premium licence in order for it to work?
2. If it is possible somehow to make (Quesion1) work without using only 15 inputs, can I also connect temperature sensor as one last input?
3. Why one licence is bind to one device? Could you, please, explain how is it working? I mean, what will happen, if I program two devices with one hex file generated by ptvo?
P.S. I’m using E18-2G4Z27SI for testing (generating for CC2530+CC2592) and planning to use E18-MS1 (for all other 10 devices). Is it right choice, or I should use another board for this to be implemented?
Hi Nikita,
0. I’ve verified the latest version. It allows selecting a role for all 16 outputs.
1. Yes, you need the premium version for 16 channels.
2. Yes, you can add a temperature sensor too.
3. Each device has a unique ID. The license will be tied to this ID when you save a firmware with your configuration.
i find your site and read everything.
if i understand everything correct, your firmware is a kind of general firmware.
similar to the “Tasmota”-Firmware available for the ESP-devices. Is this correct?
In the configurator i can setup everything. IEEE, Zigbee-Parameter, the desired functions on the GPIO-pins. (Eg. two GPIO acting as switch).
Then i can flash this firmware right away on a 100% new “ebyte E18” (CC2530), without further action?
Or is there a kind of “basic” firmware, i have to flash first?
And what firmware(s) i use best for the E18-MS1. I want mainly the endpoint functions.
When the flash is done the E18 is 100% ready to join a Zigbee-net ?
It is ready to use the configured functions and exposing them neccessary Endpoints/Entities etc. needed for Zigbee2Mqtt in Homeassistant ?
Regards Michael
Yes, you can get Ebyte E18 and write the configured firmware to it. After this, the device should connect to any Zigbee network.
will it work to create a zigbee smart meter reader with such a board, your firmware and an IR-Reader like this ?
No, the firmware cannot read data from smart meters.
The firmware cannot read data from smart meters.
Please tell me, does the construct support the creation of devices with powe_on_behavior?
The firmware can restore the last state of a GPIO output and for some sensors.
Can I use the IEEE address that Z2M shows to licence a device?
Arduino with CCLoader works fine for me, getting a CC debugger just for the IEEE address seems a bit wasteful.
Thank you 😀
Yes, you can take the IEEE address from Z2M.
Hi, the free version can read 16 input?
Thank You
Hi Marco! No, the free version allows you to use 8 inputs and 8 outputs only.
Hi! Prompt IEEE can be taken from the column “IEEE Address” in “Zigbee2MQTT” (Home Assistant) ?
if I understand correctly, the free version is not able to simultaneously operate 4 ADC inputs with 8 GPIO outputs ?
No, the free version also allows you to add 4 ADC on inputs, but you cannot use additional parameters (shift & scale).
if I want to use CC2531 as router with ability to switch only 4 GPIO as outputs (P0.4-P0.7
and 4 GPIOS as input (P1.4-P1.7) , it is enabled in free version ?
You do not need the Premium version for this functionality.
Tinfoil Hat
Hi, is there any other way to pay than PayPro Global?
Their reviews are somewhat mixed when I checked, no other reason than being a bit of a “tinfoil hat” myself 🙂
Hi. PayProGlobal works well :). They accept PayPal if you prefer a safer transaction. Otherwise, you can buy me some coffee (the link on the right side), email me to ptvo _at_ ptvo _dot_ info. But it will take more time.
Tinfoil Hat
Ok, thank you for a fast reply!
Is there a discord channel?
No, I do not have a discord channel.
I am using firmware version on an CC2530 in PSM mode. It is configured to poll for queued commands every 5 seconds, and I have disabled resetting of the device by a power on/off cycle. I am using zigbee2mqtt on home assistant as coordinator. Everything works as expected for a couple of days but eventually the device will stop reporting the sensor values and stops responding to commands. Power cycling it does not help but if I read the flash using the flash programmer and compare it to the original file it reports “Verify against file OK”. If I then read the flash into a file and program the chip with this exact file, remove the device from zigbe2mqtt and repair it, it works again for a couple of days until it fails again eventually. I do not know where to look next for possible problems. Do you have an idea?
Sorry, but I don’t have ideas. This problem may appear for many reasons. Could you please submit a new issue on GitHub and add more info (your firmware configuration, coordinator type).
How do I know the IEEE of the E72-2G4M20S1E module? Connected via J-Link V9 (J-Link itself was normally installed and after the launch of J-link Commander, the firmware of the programmer was updated), the UniFlash module does not see. How to firmware this module? Paid for 3 devices.
UniFlash or Flash Programmer v2 can successfully read IEEE from these modules. If you cannot read from the chip, try to erase or mass erase it first.
Flash Programmer v2 issues an error and closes.
“SBL: Unable to open COM7. Error: 1.
Connecting over serial bootloader failed: SBL: Unable to open COM7. Error: 1.”
Yesterday I made a free version of the firmware for checking the programmer, everything went through J-Flash…
Through the SN written on the module, can you find out IEEE?
You should flash a firmware or read IEEE using the jtag mode not SBL.
I understood this, but I did not find the necessary settings. Uniflash automatically searches – does not find, there is no J-link programmer in the settings. Flash Programmer v2 defines the j-link programmer, but I did not find how to enable JTAG mode. I already did on E18 MS1-PCB modules, but I would like to use E72. For CC2530 there is a good instruction, for CC2652 this would be…
Great job. I’d like to build an IR remote controller powered by battery to manage a Velux window: PTVO supports this features? Thank you
Hi! Sorry, but the firmware can’t generate IR signals.
I think I can answer my own question after reading your site. Your standard version firmware allows to read analog inputs which are native to CC2530 chip. Nice! Will get the hardware and try.
I use the PSM function with a CC2530 to control a battery powered device. Is there a way to pulse a pin once on boot up of the device? I would need this to initialize an SR latch with which the CC2530 controls power to the main part of the project.
I can only offer a workaround. You can add a bistable relay (remember state: off, restore last state: off). This relay type has two signals: ON and OFF. You can use any virtual pin for the ON signal. The firmware will send a short OFF pulse when the firmware starts.
Thank you!
I need a device for separate control of 8 LED tapes based on CC2652P. The description says that only 5 can be used (in the premium version), but the configurator does not issue an error if I make 8 outputs with hardware PWM. Will this configuration work properly?
No, this configuration will not work. You can only use 5 PWM channels. I would recommend splitting this device to two independent devices or use an external PWM controller like PCA9685 (
When using the PCA9685 and E72-2G4M20S1E module (CC2652P), can I connect and separately control the brightness of up to 15 white LED tapes inclusive? And when the tape is turned on, there will be a smooth increase in brightness?
No, you can only control 8 PWM outputs on PCA9685. Yes, the firmware support smooth transitions with this board too, as for the regular PWM output.
The link describing the settings for PCA9685 uses 7 PCA9685 PWM outputs, you write about 8. You can take a screenshot for an example with 8 PCA9685 PWM outputs enabled. And can I add 2 DS18B20 temperature sensors to this? Is the limit on the number of PWM outputs for a module on the CC2652P hardware or software?
The Premium version can have up to 16 outputs. 8 outputs can be allocated for external or internal sensors. You can have 8 PWM channels or 6 PWM channels and 2 DS18B20.
It is the software limit in my firmware.
Could you add an option for the 16 channel version to work as a router?
Sorry, but there is no free memory for all features.
How do I get a premium firmware. I ordered and paid for a 6 license key via PayPro.
I got a download link for a premium version, but it is still the normal version.
Also got “a sort of” test license key from PayPro, but do not know where to put it..
can you help me out..
Regards, Theo
Thank you for your order! The program will ask you it when you save a firmware with premium features, for example, the PSM version.
I can confirm a bug in the firmware. It didn’t use the “k*65536” part in calculation. I’ll resolve this problem in the next version.
Does the software support the BMP680 sensor? And is there any possibility for the device to support an LCD display?
The firmware does not support BMO680 and LCD displays.
Hi. Will the premium version still work after you retire? 🙂
Is there a threat that your servers will stop validating IEEE addresses when generating our firmware? Can you commit yourself to make the premium version available free of charge if you ever decide to stop the validation service?
I hope I will live forever :). In theory, I can share the unlimited version in this case.
Thanks! Long live! 🙂
Hi This project is nice. But very Pricey.
I am trying to build my own Lux sensor : Price E18 : 3 EUR / PCB / 3 EUR OTHERS COMPONENT 3 EUR / CASE + BATERY 3 EUR + YOUR FIRM COST 7 EUR -> 19EUR
on shelf LUX ZIGBEE Market cost 15 EUR….
Hi Dan.
Yes, of course! A DIY device always cost more than a mass market device. You can save 7 EUR and make your firmware using the free SDK.
Mmm, let me try it actually 🙂 Which of the sample projects is a good start?
All SDK contain several examples. You can start with a general example.
Hi, I have a temperature sensor running on a CC2530 module, bought the PSM licence for it. It works fine but I would like to know if the HTU21D sensor is in sleep mode between the reports.
Datasheet say’s it’s sleep current is 0,02 uA and when measuring it’s 450 uA, that makes a big difference in battery life.
The firmware reads a temperature only when it sends a report. So, most time, the sensor should sleep. You can additionally use the “External sensor power control” option ( It would be great to measure power consumption using a multimeter before switching to a battery power source. You can additionally use the “External sensor power control” option
Am I reading the premium licensing correctly, that I need a separate license for each device I deploy the firmware to? Like If I’m making a custom zigbee sensor for my home, and I intend to flash/deploy 10 of these, I need to pay $3.95 for EACH device? Please tell me I’m reading that wrong. That pricing model is astronomically expensive.
Yes, you need 10 licenses for 10 devices. Could you please name your price for 10 devices?
can I use your FW with servo motors? Or DC motors? or steppers?
Thank you.
Merry Xmas!
Merry Xmas!
It depends on your hardware. I know some users can control motors by a PWM output.
I am in Vietnam, can I buy it? .6 devices is like. I do not understand.Can you help me explain?
No problems if you have a bank card like Visa or Mastercard. Click the “Get premium” button and place your order online.
Hello, I am very happy to see, that you have managed to build PSM. I reckon, also the pricing is fair to get started. My question: Can I build a device that sleeps, will be woken up by a radio based command, controls a gpio and falls back to sleep. In other simple words, a remotly controlled “relais”. Is this possible with 4uAmps standby? Thanks for your input
Please, note it is not true sleep because the device should wake up, enable radio and check for commands.
You should enable the “Poll for queued commands” option on the “Expert” tab. Power consumption depends on the interval. Average consumption will be more than 4uA.
Makes sense. Can the HW “queue”/receive commands while deep sleeping, or only when awake (I assume around 20mA)? In other words, would I miss a command, while deep sleeping?
Would you mind, putting up a screenhot of the “Expert” tab?
The device cannot receive anything in the sleep mode because the radio is off. You should not miss a command because a coordinator or router should hold these commands for some time (note, some routers do not support this mode).
Understood. So how is e.g. the IKEA FYRTUR blind achieving this? It runs on 2 18560 Cells (~6Ah) almost 160 days with 2 motor cycles of ~15sec a day (maybe 4-5Ah). There is not much energy left for a 24×7 monitoring (say 0,5mA avg.). That would be a ratio of 1:100 with 4uA sleep. If I press the zigbee remote, it feels it reacts instantaniously. I guess less then 200ms delay. Reading your post, I would have to poll with this frequency (4-5times per second). Could I sleep so short inbetween to get an avg consumption of 0,5 mA?. Wat would be the timings for wake-up? Do you have data for this? Is there a different mode/profile in ZigBee to achieve this? Thanks heaps, Dieter
Please, look here:
Maybe, you can get more info on how it works and calculate a battery lifetime in your case.
Ok, thanks for your patience and input 🙂 It helps me lots to find the right direction. Really last question now: You state 30ua per 120s with “polling” every 5 sec. Would I be in the right ballpark, if I wake up for queue reading every 1 sec.–> 5 x as often. The consumption would be in the order of 5 x 30uA = 150uA for 120s or 75uA/sec.
Yes, if you poll every second, power consumption increases 5x times (5 x 30uA = 150uA).
is it possible to connect a temperature sensor and a display?
Hi! The firmware does not support any displays.
Hi, Love your program(s).
I wish to purchase a single premium license to get started. However I am now in the “collecting parts” mode. If I purchase the license now but don’t use it for 2 months is there an issue?
I guess I don’t know the procedure for loading the firmware to a single board. Is it part of the firmware configuration program, a license entered somewhere or do I need to send you the ID of the target board?
1. The license will never expire.
2. The firmware configuration program will ask you about the license code when you save a firmware with premium featutes.
I want to create a battery powered remote, to have a universal remote for my home automation.
1.does the firmware support an input matrix, lets say 4×4 (16 Buttons) ?
(sure i can just use 16 separate inputs or link every button to a specific pin combination afterwards but thats not convenient).
2. what about the PSM in such a configuration? will it be able to wake up from sleep with a press of any button?
1. The firmware does not support a button matrix.
2. Yes, the firmware can wake up when you press a _single_ button.
Look at the following project:
Giovanni C
Hello, can you clarify the premium fee ?
If I’ve 3 identical devices will I need to buy 3 times the firmware or just one time and install it in the 3 identical devices?
You need 3 licenses for 3 devices with any configuration, identical or not.
One more question regarding low power operation:
Do the configurations for the supported sensors utilize the sensor’s low power mode?
Most concern to me are:
1) BME280
2) BH1721
3) One wire DS18B20 ( I guess this would simply be the standby mode)
You can control the power source of all sensors with P10 and P11 pins. So, they will wake up only when needed.
Interested in PSM but have a couple questions. If we don’t have an external interrupt is there a way to have the device sleep for say 1 hour, take a reading, send data, and then sleep again? Also have a question about using GPIO for power. If I pull one of the 20ma GPIO to high to provide power to a sensor can this set the GPIO to low before sleeping to save power?
Yes, the chip can sleep and consume about 0.4 ua at that moment. The firmware has the “External sensor power control” feature with the necessary functionality. Also, as I know, you can connect sensor’s VCC to P10 or P11 without any pull-up resistors.
I wrote earlier and mentioned the sleep low-power mode requirement. You have now added it and turned it into a commercial business model. Congratulations. I will contact you directly later for the high volume production regarding the price. But first, I want to quickly produce a prototype evk and test and measure it. I could not see the memory requirement for firmware, how much flash size is required minimum. I will design for CC2530Fxxx as per the requirement. Also, do you have any notes to warn before drawing? Especially for low-power design.
Hi. The firmware is compiled for CC2530F256. I’m sorry, but I’m not a hardware engineer. My suggestions are obvious. Use low-power external components and sensors.
I’ve been waiting for the ability to make batter powered devices. I’m going to guess that there is some kind of serial number in the cc2530 which you can limit the use of a limit the use of that version of your firmware. Assuming this is how it will function, will I be able to massively change the function of this one unit under the original license. lets assume i’m dropping one senor for a newer sensor. And you now deed to add several voltage measurements.
This all has changed the function of the device but it is still using the original2530 board.
Am I on the right track here?
Yes, each CC2530 board has a unique serial number (the IEEE address). You can install my premium firmware on a chip with that serial number an unlimited number of times with any configurations. Of course, you can install other firmware on that chip too. Later, you can return to my firmware and install it again.
Hi, is it possible to have 7 input pins ans 11 output? May I use pins P07, P10, P11, P21, P22?
Hi. Yes, it is possible in the Premium version. You may use these pins (P07, P10, P11) on CC2530 without an amplifier.
What about P21, P22? Do you know any problems with using those as input/output?
I’m having trouble with software/hardware that I don’t know the reason for. Using the MS1PA1 module (and not using P10, P11) CC2530 keeps restarting after a few seconds – but when I use any of the inputs (which causes the output toggle) the problem disappears. It looks like it’s rebooting until the first input is received. After turning it off / on, the problem returns.
P.S. Any bigger discount on 20 licenses?
There are no problems with P21, P22. Please, try to disable Input 1.
Ken Petersen
I have developed a home automation device based on the Zwave Z-Uno module, that is very easy to program, also for a hardware engineer as me 😉
I found you firmware here for the Zigbee CC2530 circuit.
I want to mature my product for production, so it is not for DIY use.
I want to ask you some question, if you are interested in develop and supplying firmware for us, if we change to CC2530 series chips.
We are not able to make software for Zigbee communication, only for the application on top, we are not software engineers.
If interested, please reply to my email, and I will describe the project.
Hi, I’ve answered in an email.
I want to build battery powered impulse counter (for electric consuption based on blinking LED) – do I need premium version for it? What is difference in power menagment in free vs premium version?
The free version does not use power management and consumes about 8-28 mA. The premium version has the power-saving mode and consumes about 4 uA in the sleep mode. If your impulses are frequent, you don’t need the power-saving mode because the chip never sleeps.
OK, thanks for that information… So I see that my device will last on planned battery (CR2032) just one day if I calculate it right… Impulse frequency is 6400 impulses for 1kWh… Typically in my consumption about 1 impulse per second… I think I need to plan bigger battery 🙂
I think you can use a constant power source if you calculate electrical energy.
Unfortunately no… All in box is sealed, only impulse LED is visible, no possibility to connect to power source there… One more question – if I’ll use paid version with PSM and disable “wait for command” feature it should wake just when impulse received and sleeps immediately after? And it will wake each 60s to send report? If yes – it maybe can be acceptable with some bigger batteries than CR2032…
Maybe some (even one-time) discount for folks that donated you before? 🙂
While I do love Your firmware, highly appreciate Your hard work and time invested into this product, and I also recommend your firmware many times on my local community; 7€ price tag per device is little bit too high for me, personally. (I use only 1-2 inputs/outputs and that’s it, but I would want to try out the power saving feature.)
However, I’ve donated you to before and even suggested using Buy Me A Coffee 🙂
Maybe there’s a potential to provide demo mode (just to test out features and compatibility)? E.g. firmware that will work for only one week, or demo configurator with access to the premium features, but with limit of 1-2 features to be used at once.
Yes, of course. I’ve sent you a key via email.
Thanks man! <3
Can I use your project commercially?
You can use my firmware commercially. But keep in mind, I can only provide limited support, and the firmware provided “AS-IS.”
How do you plan to manage the breakdowns?
This is DIY. During tests I destroyed 3 x IC E18-MS1-PCB.
I think you should plan in Premium an unlimited version in order to be able to replace the ICs destroyed during prototyping or handling error.
Sorry, but I cannot manage breakdowns. You’ll lose a license for that device. Unfortunately, I don’t see a way to control an unlimited license too. Could you offer your variant?
200 Russian rubles is too expensive. It is easier then to buy the final device.
Yes, of course. Any DIY will be more expensive than a mass-device because you make your personal effort on it. I suppose, your time costs more. Or you may compile your firmware yourself. There are many examples on the web.
I think there is no comparable solution on the mass market. Besides, the prices are quite reasonable in my opinion. Note that the volume of potential sales is a limited but non-trivial amount of work done.
Thank you :). I’ve started this project as a hobby. I hope, it may help more people.