Device identification
Manufacturer ID, Manufacturer name – these identifiers contain information about a manufacturer. Usually, it does not matter.
Model ID – it is the unique identifier of a device type. High-level systems use this identifier to provide correct data parsing and handling from a device.
Location description – it is an optional user-defined description of a specific device.
Network security key – the device uses this key to connect to your Zigbee network. By default, the firmware uses the wide-used key “01030507090B0D0F00020406080A0C0D”. This key should match the key used on a coordinator (hub). The unique key minimizes the risks of attacks on your network.
Default reporting interval – this option allows you to set a custom default reporting interval for periodic reports. The zero value at this parameter disables periodic reports at all. The maximum value is 65535 seconds. The unchecked option means the default value for the reporting interval of 60 seconds.
Note: if you disable periodic reports:
- The firmware detects GPIO input changes and sends the corresponding info to a coordinator or a bound device.
- The firmware does not poll all analog, I2C or UART sensors even if they are present in your configuration.
- The firmware does not send a battery level in the PSM firmware.
- If you disable periodic reports, a battery-powered device with the PSM firmware, your device consumes less energy.
- But if you configure the “External wake-up” input and clicked it, the firmware sends a report with states of all sensors, inputs, and outputs for all firmware types.
Disable configuring the interval remotely in run-time – if this option is disabled, you may use the “interval” command in Zigbee2MQTT and change the interval of periodic reports. Otherwise, the firmware always uses the default reporting interval. Some high-level system may incorrectly configure the reporting interval and the device may flood your Zigbee network with unnecessary messages.
Disable resetting of a device by a power on/off cycle – if this option is enabled, you cannot reset a device by switching power on/off three. If you didn’t configure a button on “Input 1”, you cannot reset or re-pair a device without re-flashing it. This option is useful if a power source is unstable, or you place a device in a place with high electromagnetic noise.
Disable periodic On/Off reports for GPIO outputs – If this option is enabled, the firmware will not send the state of a generic GPIO output (On or Off) in a periodic report. You will receive the state of an output only when this state changes or the device boots. This may decrease traffic volume, especially for devices with numerous outputs, and implement clearer automatic logic in a higher-level system.
Update firmware’s timestamp – the program automatically sets the firmware’s creation date to the current date. Usually, this information is visible in a high-level system.
Wait for commands after a report in PSM – if this option is enabled, the firmware waits three seconds for additional commands from a coordinator. For example, a calibration command for some sensors, changing an output state, etc. Otherwise, the firmware goes to sleep mode immediately after a report. When the device sleeps, it does not accept any commands.
Poll for queued commands – it is a special mode for battery-powered devices. The device sleeps the most time, but periodically wake-ups and checks for messages and commands addressed to this device. It allows you to create battery-powered devices that can switch relays, execute commands. You may treat this mode as an intermediate mode between End-device and PSM. The optimal interval is 5 – 10 seconds. Keep in mind, the firmware needs about 3 seconds to go to the sleep mode. So, shorten intervals do not allow your device to sleep, and longer intervals will provide a delayed feedback to commands.
Enable watchdog timer – this option enables a built-in watchdog time in the chip. The timer would reset the device if it froze for more than 1 second. I do not recommend using it in complex and untested configurations with many sensors because your device may unexpectedly reset.
Save custom converter – This button allows you to create a custom external converter for Zeegbee2MQTT, DDF file for deCONZ, or ZHA Device Handler, and improve support of PTVO devices in these systems. Read more here.
Power amplifier control (PA) – some integrated board with CC2530 or CC2652 chips have a built-in radio signal amplifier. The chip controls the amplifier using some output pins to enable/disable power amplifier, or switch transmission direction (send or receive). Few manufactures use a non-reference design with non-standard control pins. These options allow you to adjust the firmware for your board. Reference values:
CC2530 + CC2590: – TX enable – P11, RX enable – P14.
CC2530 + CC2591: – TX enable – P11, RX enable – P14.
CC2530 + CC2592: – TX enable – P11, RX enable – P10.
CC2530 + RFX2401: – TX enable – P11, RX enable – P12.
CC2652P: – TX enable – P28, Enable high PA – P29.
Some known non-reference designs: EBYTE E18-PA2, EBYTE E72
Serial bootloader (SBL) – this feature is available on CC2652 chips only. Please look here for the instructions.
Which is the correct settings of TX enable and Enable high PA to achieve maximum power for RFSTAR RF-BM-2652P?
TX – 28, PA – 29
Hi !
I’m in trouble after testing usage of specific ModelID and downloading custom converter in Z2M.
I’ve fallback to initial ModelID and the device if now reported as “unsupported” and the ModelID is still the specific in Z2M.
Device deleted from Z2M.
I’ve cleaned the topic of the device in MQTT, but still “unsupported”.
I don’t know what to do to get the device recognized again.
1. Power off your device. 2. Delete your device in Z2M, 3. Restart Z2M, 4. Power on and join your device again.