The MAX31855 performs cold-junction compensation and digitizes the signal from a K-, J-, N-, T-, S-, R-, or E-type thermocouple. The data is output in a signed 14-bit, SPI-compatible. Because data is read-only, (the sensor does not have any configuration options), the MOSI pin is not required.
This feature should also work with MAX6675 (obsolete).
- Define the SPI CS pin and select the “MAX31855,MAX31865” from the list.
- Select the MISO pin from the list.
- Immediately after the CS pin, define the “SPI CLK” pin (Output 2 in the example above).
Note: You can share “MISO”, “MOSI” and “CLK” pin between several sensors.
MAX31865 requires more settings:
- Define the MISO pin as you did it for MISO.
- Select the thermocouple type (PT100 or PT1000).
- Select wiring type (2 or 4 wires).
- Select the reference resistor value (usually, 430 Ohm for PT100, and 4300 Ohm for PT1000). It may depend on your schematic. If your sensor board uses other resistor type, the firmware will calculate a temperature incorrectly.
The firmware sends a temperature in periodic reports as an analog value.
miro mar
I’ve tested one MAX31855 module with CC2652P7 and it works. Hi, how can I configure ptvo to handle 3 MAX31855 modules ?
I’ve configured 3 SPI CS pins on 3 consecutive output pins then I configured the SPI CLK output. Only the 3rd CS pin is taken into account (temperature is showing), the other 2 outputs are giving “NULL”
It should be defined similarly to I2C-based sensors in the following order:
Sensor 1 (CS pin of the sensor 1)
Clock (Common clock pin for all sensors)
Sensor 2 (CS pin of the sensor 2)
Sensor 3 (CS pin of the sensor 3)