The premium version has the same features as the free version, plus:

  • It allows you to define 16 GPIO inputs or outputs (for example, you may define 8 GPIO outputs and 8 external sensors, or 16 GPIO outputs for relays).
  • It allows you to create battery-powered DIY devices with effective power management.
  • PCF8583 counter, PCA9685 multichannel PWM.
  • 5 hardware built-in PWM, in contrast to 4 PWM in the free version.
  • Hardware PWM with low frequencies.
  • LED features: WS2812B strips or multichannel color LED lamps.
  • DS3221 Real-time clock.
  • CRON scheduler.
  • Keypad (matrix keyboard).
  • Flower / Soil moisture sensor.

I plan to add new features and sensor types to the premium version.

1 device

6.95 USD

(without local taxes)

Get Premium

3 devices

5.95 USD / device

(without local taxes)

Get Premium

6 devices

3.95 USD / device

(without local taxes)

Get Premium

Do you have a DIY blog or DIY project that you want to share to the public? We can discuss a custom premium version for your project. Email me: ptvo {at}


  1. The premium firmware is linked to a device. If you’ve purchased it for one device and requested firmware one time, you cannot move it later to another device. You can install all further updates on the same device.
  2. I cannot guarantee that the firmware will work in all configurations and schematics, but I’ll make all efforts to fix bugs and resolve issues. If you are not sure the firmware can work for you, please, test the free version first.
  3. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the firmware, and documentation are provided “AS IS.” I disclaim all other warranties and conditions, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, conformance with description, title, and non-infringement of third-party rights.
Premium version interface
Premium version interface

Harvey Specter
Posted at 16:48 January 8, 2025

Hi, I have a question about premium version:
I wonder what is count as a device?
For example, if i create one firmware (LED Controller for example), and then I flash that firmware to 10 device to use around my house, would it count as one device (One firmware) or 10 device?

    Harvey Specter
    Posted at 04:21 January 9, 2025

    “Device” – it is a physical device with a unique IEEE device ID. In your case, you need a license for 10 devices.

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