deCONZ is an easy-to-use control software, with which you can set up and control Zigbee networks of any size without further programming effort. It works with the ConBee II coordinator by Phoscon. deCONZ provides a REST API that allows sending data to high-level systems like Home Assistant.

You can join PTVO DIY devices to this Zigbee network type. To implement smooth integration, the configurator can create a DDF file that you should add to deCONZ.

  1. Configure your firmware.
  2. Define your unique device Model ID (Expert – Model ID).
  3. Create a DDF file (Expert – Save custom converter – deCONZ DDF file).
  4. Place the created file to the “devices” folder of your deCONZ data folder (this folder depends on your installation type. For example, in Windows 10, it is c:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\dresden-elektronik\deCONZ\devices).
  5. Edit the “button_maps.json” file in the “devices” folder of your deCONZ installation folder (e.g., c:\Program Files (x86)\deCONZ\devices) and add mapping for PTVO devices that you may find in the “converters\deconz\button_maps.json” file (see more info below).
  6. Flash your firmware.
  7. Start the joining process, and the device will appear in deCONZ.
PTVO device in deCONZ
PTVO device in deCONZ

Adding key mapping

Only once, you should add a key mapping for PTVO devices to a system file “c:\Program Files (x86)\deCONZ\devices\button_maps.json”.

1. Open the “button_maps.json” in any text editor (e.g., Notepad).

2. Scroll to the bottom and of this file and find the last existing mapping like:

"NHPBMap": {<br>   "vendor": "Schneider Electric",<br>   "doc": "Cover controller",<br>   "modelids": &#91;"NHPB/SHUTTER/1"],<br>   "map": &#91;<br>… skipped …<br>   ]<br> },

3. Add a key mapping for PTVO devices after “}, “. You can find the mapping in “Firmware Configurator\converters\deconz\README.txt”.

Known issues

  1. If you re-flash your device, it is better to delete the node in deCONZ and re-join the device again.
  2. deCONZ has a limited scripting functionality and therefore, some functions are not implemented (e.g., sensor calibrations).

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